We interrupt this broadcast to bring you a second G&T - make it double, with @do.the.creator
#RadioTrouble and follow @radio_trouble to be featured on the show.
#RadioTrouble #VisualArt #StreetPortrait #Fujifilm #NewYork #newyorkfashionweek #nycprimeshot #urbanmood #streetphotography #spi_action #momaphotoclub #bnw_demand #photoshoot #street #documentary #wanderlustfilms #lightandshadow #lensculture #humanimpressions

Interlude: Mixing it up in Manhattan with @do.the.creator. Mine’s a G&T - what’s yours?
#RadioTrouble and follow @radio_trouble to be featured on the show.
#RadioTrouble #VisualArt #StreetPortrait #Fujifilm #NewYork #newyorkfashionweek #nycprimeshot #urbanmood #streetphotography #spi_action #momaphotoclub #bnw_demand #photoshoot #street #documentary #wanderlustfilms #lightandshadow #lensculture #humanimpressions

Wrapping up this week’s episode on New York at Night with a set of Reflections at Lincoln Center.
With thanks to local photographer @oc_shot_it of @artofintuitivephotography and @nycprimeshot for featuring in our visual interview to guide us through the urban shadows.
#RadioTrouble and follow @radio_trouble to be featured on the show. Stay tuned for more storytelling soon.
#RadioTrouble #VisualArt #StreetPortrait #Fujifilm #NewYork #newyorkfashionweek #newyorkcity #nycprimeshot #urbanmood #streetphotography #spi_action #momaphotoclub #bnw_demand #photoshoot #street #documentary #lightandshadow #lensculture #humanimpressions

Through a Glass Darkly, New York Style.
This week’s episode features New York City by Night - in conversation with local photographer @oc_shot_it of @artofintuitivephotography and @nycprimeshot.
#RadioTrouble and follow @radio_trouble to be featured on the show.
#RadioTrouble #VisualArt #StreetPortrait #Fujifilm #NewYork #newyorkfashionweek #newyorkcity #nycprimeshot #urbanmood #streetphotography #spi_action #momaphotoclub #bnw_demand #photoshoot #street #documentary #lightandshadow #lensculture #humanimpressions

Riding through Rising Steam in the Streets of New York.
This week’s episode features New York City by Night - in conversation with local photographer @oc_shot_it of @artofintuitivephotography and @nycprimeshot.
#RadioTrouble and follow @radio_trouble to be featured on the show.
#RadioTrouble #VisualArt #StreetPortrait #Fujifilm #NewYork #newyorkfashionweek #newyorkcity #nycprimeshot #urbanmood #streetphotography #spi_action #momaphotoclub #bnw_demand #photoshoot #street #documentary #lightandshadow #lensculture #humanimpressions

This week’s episode features New York City by Night - with guidance from local photographer OC of @artofintuitivephotography and @nycprimeshot, seen here outside the Lincoln Center Theatre.
#RadioTrouble and follow @radio_trouble to be featured on the show.
#RadioTrouble #VisualArt #StreetPortrait #Fujifilm #NewYork #newyorkfashionweek #newyorkcity #urbanmood #streetphotography #spi_reflections #momaphotoclub #bnw_demand #photoshoot #street #documentary #lightandshadow #lensculture #humanimpressions

You have the right to remain silent for #FashionCrime at #NewYorkFashionWeek
#RadioTrouble and follow @radio_trouble to be featured on the show.
#RadioTrouble #VisualArt #StreetPortrait #Fujifilm #NewYork #newyorkcity #urbanmood #streetphotography #streetstyle #momaphotoclub #bnw_demand #photoshoot #street #documentary #lightandshadow #lensculture #humanimpressions

This week: New York, New York
#RadioTrouble and follow @radio_trouble to be featured on the show.
#RadioTrouble #VisualArt #StreetPortrait #Fujifilm #NewYork #newyorkfashionweek #newyorkcity #urbanmood #streetphotography #spi_reflections #momaphotoclub #bnw_demand #photoshoot #street #documentary #lightandshadow #lensculture #humanimpressions

Video wrap up of our episode focusing on Tokyo’s metropolis. Music is by Damo Suzuki who I met at a live gig at The Cellar in Oxford some 20 years ago whose dream-like improvisations transport us into a parallel world - much like the reflected images shown in the photographs.
Thanks also again to @charleseyexplore for the instructive tour of Tokyo’s urban jungle.
#RadioTrouble and follow @radio_trouble to be featured on the show.
#RadioTrouble #VisualArt #Portrait #Fujifilm #Tokyo #Japan #negativespace #urbanmood #streetphotography #spi_reflections #momaphotoclub #bnw_demand #photoshoot #street #documentary #lightandshadow #lensculture #humanimpressions

Tokyo Reflections: In addition to seeking out city reflections in central Tokyo’s urban conglomeration, the images themselves have been mirrored so the viewer is immersed in a reflected world, reminiscent of Haruki Murakami’s 1Q84.
#RadioTrouble and follow @radio_trouble to be featured on the show.
#RadioTrouble #VisualArt #Portrait #Fujifilm #Tokyo #Japan #negativespace #urbanmood #streetphotography #spi_reflections #momaphotoclub #bnw_demand #photoshoot #street #documentary #lightandshadow #lensculture #humanimpressions

This week we continue to explore Tokyo’s Metropolis with @charleseyexplore - and look out for some humanist shots on our sister channel @humanims too!
This shot taken in the Shiodome area of central Tokyo, in the urban conglomeration around @parkhoteltokyo.
#RadioTrouble and follow @radio_trouble to be featured on the show.
#RadioTrouble #VisualArt #Portrait #Fujifilm #Tokyo #Japan #negativespace #urbanmood #streetphotography #spi_reflections #momaphotoclub #photoshoot #street #documentary #lightandshadow #lensculture #humanimpressions

Choose your favourite ⭐️ - exploring Tokyo’s metropolis with @charleseyexplore
#RadioTrouble and follow @radio_trouble to be featured on the show.
#RadioTrouble #VisualArt #Portrait #Fujifilm #Tokyo #Japan #negativespace #urbanmood #streetphotography #photoshoot #street #documentary #lightandshadow #lensculture #humanimpressions

Exploring Tokyo’s metropolis with @charleseyexplore
#RadioTrouble and follow @radio_trouble to be featured on the show.
#RadioTrouble #VisualArt #Portrait #Fujifilm #Tokyo #Japan #negativespace #urbanmood #streetphotography #photoshoot #street #documentary #lightandshadow #lensculture #humanimpressions